Why Hemp?

Industrial hemp has the power to change our planet! With the amazing potential to transform the economy and more importantly, the environment, hemp holds the key to a healthy future.

How did Hemp become illegal?

In the 1930s, big industry lobbied the government to outlaw hemp in any form because it directly threatened their long-established business models with its extremely-efficient applications in paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, paint, biofuel, agriculture and animal feed, building materials including insulation, and medication among others. 

Interesting Hemp Facts

    • First American Flag was made from Hemp
    • George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew Hemp
    • The Declaration of Independence was drafted on Hemp
    • The U.S. Constitution was drafted on hemp paper.
    • Hemp was used as rope for ships, and it was a required crop in the American colonies
    • Hemp has been grown for over 10,000 years 

 Let's be clear, Hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, cannabis sativa, but they are very different. 

So why all the buzz about CBD Hemp Oil?  Let’s explore..

CBD Hemp Oil has become a highly sought-after compound in recent years, taking the natural products industry by storm after receiving highly publicized exposure in the media, including in Sanjay Gupta’s special, “Weed”, which first premiered on CNN. Since then, CBD oil products appearing in doctors offices, medical marijuana dispensaries and grocery stores.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over 85 cannabinoids presently identified in the cannabis plant and is the second most abundant cannabinoid in marijuana after THC. In hemp, however, THC is only present in trace amounts, while CBD dominates the plant’s makeup. CBD interacts with our naturally occurring systems, but is non-psychotropic, it doesn’t cause a high. This makes it a safer, less controversial alternative, while still offering significant health benefits. 

What are the Effects of Hemp CBD?

CBD interacts with the body through the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) or endocannabinoid system. First discovered in the late 1980’s, the endocannabinoid system regulates the body’s homeostasis, or general state of balance, impacting such functions as mood, sleep, appetite, hormone regulation, and pain and immune response. Like an acrobat on a highwire, as the environment around us impacts our normal balance, the endocannabinoid system “corrects” by mediating our body’s reaction to keep us level.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

Found in all mammals, the endocannabinoid system is found in all mammals and is made up of millions of cannabinoid receptor sites located primarily throughout the brain and central nervous system (CB1 receptors) and immune system (CB2 receptors) that act in neural communication. However, the endocannabinoid system doesn’t simply rely on plant-based cannabinoids or phytocannabinoids. The human body is capable of making its own cannabinoids. Similar in function to CBD, Anandamide and 2-AG are the body’s own endocannabinoids, created to control communication between cells, mediating your body’s functions.

It’s clear that the endocannabinoid system is one of the most important regulatory systems in the human body, but most people do very little to support the health of this system because cannabinoids have not been part of the average diet.

Does Hemp CBD Make me High?

No, CBD does not elicit a high feeling. The naturally low-THC hemp plant, a non-psychoactive of cannabis, grown in many countries around the world and imported into the United States for use in textiles, building materials, and of course nutritional supplements and foods.

Is Hemp CBD Legal?

Yes, CBD derived from hemp plants is legal, but not in all 50 states.